Monday, June 22, 2009

My Memoirs ..Entry One 6-22-09

For so long, as far back as I could remember, I thought that I'd be alone. I had almost accepted it.
I mean really, who could put up with me? I'm opinionated, possessive, clumsy and flawed beyond belief. *Shrugs* I was damn convinced that I'd never find anyone that would want to keep me for any amount of time.
Then, @MindMeddlerEd appeared, out of nowhere, calling softly out to someone to take his hand. To walk into eternity with him. I was blessed enough to be the one that he chose. Before him, my life had no true purpose. It was as if I was a shadow, existing in a sunless world, I was merely blending in with the darkness, until he became my light.
As I sit here, writing this in my clumsy scrawl, thinking back over my life, glancing around occasionally at the home we have made together, I realize just how much we have been through, how far we've come. I often wonder if he knows how many times he has saved me, truly saved me. Even from myself on more than one occasion.
I may have existed before him, but I was barely breathing. I never knew love, passion, or consumption. I had no real idea of want, need, hunger or even thirst. I wasn't aware of yearning or longing. @MindMeddlerEd has taught me those things, and so much more. I am in complete awe, and adoration of him.
My life has been forever altered. He is my today, tomorrow,my eternity, and he is my personal savior every, single day.

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